Flow Meters & Metering Systems

Cooper City Says Y.E.S.


Cooper City in Florida’s Broward County has a population of about 32,000 people and its wastewater assets comprise about 90 miles of collection system, more than 1,400 manholes, nearly 80 pump and lift stations, and a treatment plant intended for just over four million gallons a day (MGD).  The city’s engineer was tasked with overhauling the collection system to reduce the number of outsourced contractors and boost Cooper City’s in-house assessment efforts while also cutting down on inflow and infiltration (I&I).
RedZone Robotics approached Cooper City and presented its Your Entire System (Y.E.S.) Program, allowing the City to quickly receive a baseline of its collection system.  Deploying the Y.E.S. Program involved the use of robots functioning autonomously along with ICOM3 asset management software that collectively worked together, allow the City to see that problems were largely based on inflow versus infiltration, allowing the City to redirect its efforts towards things like sealing its manholes.

Thanks to the Y.E.S. Program Cooper City has seen a significant return on investment.  By having a baseline level understanding of the system, a better plan can be implemented, allowing for significant savings.  The City has seen significant improvements in wastewater flow rates while pump station run times have also been reduced.

The Avanti Company, provides Flow Meters and Metering Systems products including water meters and Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) to maximize and better utilize the data coming into your Utility.  Call 1-800-284-5231 for additional information on water and wastewater system products like McCrometer or visit our website at www.avanticompany.com to learn more about the services we provide including on-site flow meter testing, sewer flow monitoring, and metering system support.

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