Flow Meters & Metering Systems

The Avanti Company offers a wide range of products for Water Plants and the Utility Distribution System. Among  these are flow meters with wide ranging flow rates for pipe sizes from 2”-144” to fit almost applications .  These include Propeller, Flanged Electromagnetic Flow, Insertion Full Profile Mag meters and Differential Pressure meters.   Avanti also offers remote monitoring and leak detection technologies for Utility Systems.   Companies we represent include:

Flanged Mag


Flanged Propeller


Avanti Company McCrometer Smart Trax

Full Profile Insertion Mag


Dynasonics Hybrid Ultrasonic Flow Meter



From The Blog

The Indispensable Role of Flow Meters in Sewer Flow Monitoring

The Avanti Company readily endorses the importance of proactive measures when it comes to maintaining an efficient and health-oriented sewer system. Key among these measures is regular sewer flow monitoring, a practice that significantly aids in the identification of potential operational hitches before they evolve into major, often costly repairs. In view of this, the … Continued