Flow Meters & Metering Systems

Achieve Supreme Accuracy With The LC Mag Flow Meter

The LC Mag is one of the most renowned Flow Meter Products on the market. Developed by leading meter specialist Liquid Controls, it is utilizes the latest designs and technologies to offer precise measurements for long-term usage.

The LC Mag family is comprised of five specialized models: water, sanitation, micro-flow, flanged, and insertion-style. Each model comes in a variety of sizes and flow ranges, providing unparalleled versatility for many applications, including agriculture, water and wastewater, food and beverage, chemical, pulp and paper, and still more.

Every model also features automatic dual-flow range capability and a broad selection of liners, electrode materials, and process connections, making it easy to accommodate your specific operations and needs.

This state-of-the-art meter utilizes the latest in electromagnetic metering, being uniquely immune to the fluid characteristics that typically impact conductive fluid measurement, such as viscosity, density, temperature, or suspended solids. Moreover, the lack of moving parts minimizes both wear and tear while lowering the upkeep and maintenance well into the long-term.

The LC Mag’s nominal diameters are from ¹⁄8” to 80” and flow rates from 0.1 GPM to 400,000 GPM – this offers a tremendous amount of versatility for your operations. Its impressive accuracy is ±0.2% over a 10:1 range for liquid velocity greater than 4 feet per second.

If you want a dependable, long-lasting, and adaptable meter, than Liquid Control’s LC Mag should be your top choice.  Learn more by calling the Avanti Company at 800-284-5231 or emailing info@avanticompany.com.

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