Flow Meters & Metering Systems

An Overview of Flow Meters for Agricultural Use

Changing regulations have increased the usage of flow meters in agriculture and turf irrigation. Although growers and irrigators may be compelled to report water usage, the greatest benefit of a flow meter is day-to-day flow management. Outside of required metering, there are a number of agriculture applications in which a flow meter can be integrated into your automated agriculture system to provide benefits.

Surface Water and Irrigation of Crops

Flow meters are commonly used to measure water usage from rivers, ponds, and other surface water sources, as well as in meters that measure water pumped from wells. Measuring water delivered to crops, particularly in conjunction with weather stations, soil moisture sensors, and other irrigation equipment can help farmers in maximizing yield per unit of water. This impacts the bottom line of every producer because flow optimization reduces the expenses to pump water and run irrigation equipment, as well as to adhere to water allocations if necessary.

Dairy Lagoon

Trash from dairy lagoons is often regulated, therefore flow meters measure the amount of waste. Dairy waste can be monitored and managed. Producers can have the lagoon waste analyzed as a fertilizer source for farm field fertilization, converting a waste source into a nutrient supply.

Golf Courses and Park Management

Similar to a farm field, a golf course or park has an area that needs water, usually from sprinklers that need a certain level of flow. Nobody likes a golf course with brown stains, therefore parks and courses need a particular amount of water over a certain time. To maximize utilization, operators often administer smaller volumes of water more often, making application efficiency crucial.

Expense Management 

Agricultural production is costly regardless of the crop; growers must pay for water drawn from the ground or from a water source, and this pumping requires electricity. Other irrigation equipment, such as center pivots or sprinklers, has costs as well, which add up. A flow meter can help with system monitoring and operational costs, which can save both water and money.

Regardless of the region or type of application, the best flow meter is one that is customized to meet the exact needs of your flow project. Whether it’s automated data collection for exact reporting or system integration for greater control over your everyday operations, our team of experts can assist you in achieving your project objectives.

To learn more about the Avanti Company and the services and products we provide, including on-site flow meter testing, please visit us online or call us at 800.284.5231.



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