The Avanti Company includes many types of systems for recording and analyzing utility assets in the water and wastewater industries. Using collection system meters, water leak detection, wastewater line assessments, wastewater line inspections, and asset management is possible for collection system assessments. We offer products from Syrinix, Itron, and 64seconds, to name a few.
With the WaterPoint PLD, utility companies, such as those using a flow meter, can measure sounds from underground pipelines using the smartphone app. High-resolution audio processing lets users discover and narrow down exactly where leaks are located at rapid speeds. The WaterPoint PLD utilizes technology from advanced sensors to process and removes unwanted noise, with frequency boosting that detects sounds from plastic pipes and ground surfaces. Each system includes a sensing unit, carrying case, one-year limited warranty, short contact probe, base stand, and more.
Itron’s Mlogonline offers the ability to monitor and manage distribution leaks within a water distribution network. Leak Sensors are installed strategically to monitor for leaks. These units listen for leaks in the distribution network. Utilities can locate and repair leaks before they become catastrophic main breaks.
The PipeMinder-S from Syrinix allows for high-resolution data in risk assessment for a reduction of leaks and bursts. The battery-powered system uses data communication technology encased in an IP68 enclosure. The system can detect abnormal behavior, network stress, bursts, pressure transients, and negative spikes.
Also from Syrinx is the PipeMinder-T, which is a solution to leak detection. Large-diameter pipelines can have solutions for leaks through PipeMinder-T’s multiple sensors, with an algorithm designed to transmit information about leaks automatically. Using high-rate, high-resolution pressure and flow data, the stem can track insights by monitoring any abnormal behavior in the system. This allows utility companies to detect emergencies and alleviate the problem safely, efficiently, and in a less costly manner.