The Avanti Company credits its leading role as a provider of Water Meters and metering systems to the integrity and quality of our personnel. This week, we’re proud to highlight the invaluable contribtuions of our Operations Manager Mark Whalen.
You can find Mark Whalen sitting in his office, back to the door, talking on the phone to customers about technical issues, processing or checking on orders, and dealing with any multitude of challenges that happens throughout the day. Mark serves as Avanti’s “Rock” – just ask him how things are going and he will always answer “rockin and rollin”.
Mark and his staff of customer service, technical support, meter testing, and warehouse personnel keep Avanti on course with a dedication to get quotes out the same day, answer customer’s technical questions immediately, and provide the responsive service that Avanti has become known for Industry-wide.
A veteran Avanti employee of 16 years, Mark came to us from Liquid Controls, a long standing top vendor to our company and one of the nation’s leading meter manufacturers. Mark brought with him significant technical capabilities, and to this day is our electrical systems guru. Liquid Controls customers and staff still call Mark from all over the country to assist with issues on the LCR register, for which Mark was part of the original development team.
When not working, Mark is an avid sportsman and sports fan, possessing encyclopedic knowledge about sports figures past and present. He lives on LakeTulane in AvonPark with his wife Nancy and enjoys lounging on his deck, boating, or spending time down on his beach on weekends.
Please call Mark anytime for assistance with any of your flow meter or metering system needs. He is more than happy to help.
Mark Whalen’s years of experience and wisdom represent the core goals of making sure our customers get the right product or service when they need. To learn more about our company and what we can do for you at by calling 800-284-5231 or emailing