Flow Meters & Metering Systems

McCrometer: Finding A More Affordable Migration Path To Net Zero Leakage

Avanti Company McCrometer Products


McCrometer is striving towards ‘net zero leakage’ in water distribution systems with high non-revenue-water (NRW) losses is a positive goal, and affordable steps can be taken to identify and mitigate water loss locations.

Monitoring water loss through data collection is essential for efficient management. Incremental steps, such as utilizing limited resources more efficiently and whittling down NRW loss rates, can help achieve net zero leakage. Gathering key distribution system operating data through smart water and IoT investments can provide insights for incremental reduction of water losses.

Achieving net zero leakage may not be possible in one step, but small steps that pay for themselves along the way are more realistic. Analyzing interrelated flow and pressure data in modeling systems can help refine monitoring locations and quantify NRW losses. Using district metered areas (DMAs) and analyzing flow data can establish baselines, spot exceptional water usage, and ease the strain on aging infrastructure.

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To learn more about the Avanti Company and the services and products we provide, including industrial meters and collection system meters, please visit us online or call us at 800.284.5231.

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