If you operate a rural water supply or a large municipal water plant, your decisions are impacted by costs and water usage levels. You also need to take into account factors like energy usage, the amount of water being allocated, and how to detect and repair leaks. With the arrival of a new year, it’s worth exploring how flow meters can help you avoid costly water measurement errors.
In aging water systems there may be system leaks as a result of worn-out pipes and mishandling of water measurement details. Therefore, suggesting that the money you have invested in the program could be lost.
The only reliable way to check leakage in the system is to compare the distributed water flow with the total water flow volume. The most robust and reliable water flow meters, from known and respected manufacturers like McCrometer and Badger Meter, ensure accurate data.
Proper maintenance of a small or large water system involves a regular cycle of the entire water system, including leaky pipe and water flow meter repair. One way to reduce or decrease maintenance costs is to reduce your flow meter’s entire cost of ownership.
For example, full pipe insertion meters or clamp-on ultrasonic flow meters minimize ownership costs, initial investment, and provide an accurate, versatile measurement of water flow. There are no tricky measurement options and no shutdowns required. Use one of these flow meter solutions at different locations to get your entire allocation or delivery rate to help track inefficiencies and leaks.
Also, full pipe insertion mag meters and clamp-on ultrasonic flow meters can be fully integrated or work seamlessly through modern digital protocols with your water management systems. What’s more, they’re easy to install.
Please contact The Avanti Company to learn more about our modern mater solutions.
The Avanti Company was founded in 1977 by Paul and Justine Devlin and is headquartered in Avon Park, FL. We provide water meters, metering systems, AMI support, on-site flow meter testing, sewer flow monitoring, inspection and assessment services for the water, wastewater, agricultural, petroleum and industrial marketplaces. Avanti represents products from McCrometer, Itron, Badger Industrial, Hach Flow, Honeywell/Elster, 64 seconds, Infosense, Nicor, and others. Please visit our website at www.avanticompany.com, email us at info@avanticompany.com or call us at 863-453-5336 for assistance with all of your flow meter and metering system needs.