The global population is growing, and with it, the demand for water. In order to meet this demand, utilities are under pressure to find ways to conserve water and reduce losses. One way to do this is to use flow meters.
Flow meters are devices that measure the volume of water flowing through a pipe. They can be used to monitor water usage, identify leaks, and track water loss. By using flow meters, utilities can gain valuable insights into their water distribution systems and make informed decisions about how to improve efficiency and conserve water.
The Avanti Company is a leading provider of flow meters for the water industry. Our products are used by utilities around the world to help them manage their water resources more effectively. We offer a wide range of flow meters to meet the needs of any application, including:
Ultrasonic flow meters: These meters use sound waves to measure the velocity of water flowing through a pipe. They are accurate and reliable, and they can be used in a variety of environments, including harsh and corrosive conditions.
Electromagnetic flow meters: These meters use the principle of electromagnetism to measure the flow of water. They are accurate and reliable, and they are well-suited for measuring large volumes of water.
Vortex flow meters: These meters use the principle of vortex shedding to measure the flow of water. They are simple to install and maintain, and they are cost-effective.
Avanti is committed to helping utilities manage their water resources more effectively. We offer a wide range of products and services to meet the needs of any application.
To learn more about how we can help you conserve water and protect your community, such as flow meters and on-site flow meter testing, please visit us online or call us at 800.284.5231.