Flow Meters & Metering Systems

Reduce Installation and Labor Costs with the McCrometer FS200

Have you tried the improved McCrometer FS200 flow straightener? Announced during the fall of last year, the FS200 reduces pipeline turbulence induced by obstructions such as elbows and Ts, which is a recurring problem among tools used for measuring flow. Pipeline turbulence can cause highly inaccurate readings to be provided by flow meters, a problem for many users whose decision-making on flow management depends on precision and repeatability.

The FS200 Flow Straighteners feature a simple, non-intrusive design to be used in ten and twelve-inch line installations. The proprietary, sleek new design offers a solution for farmers, irrigation dealers, and water districts when space is a problem. The FS200 is designed especially to cut down on the necessity for large intrusions when the pipe needs to be cut prior to installation. The FS200 enables installation through the same propeller meter cutout, thereby removing the need for installation from the pipeline’s open end.

As the evolution of the FS100, the FS200 delivers the same proven level of performance as its predecessor while also reducing costs associated with labor and installation significantly.

The Avanti Company was founded in 1977 by Paul and Justine Devlin and is headquartered in Avon Park, FL. We provide water meters, metering systems, AMI support, on-site flow meter testing, sewer flow monitoring, inspection and assessment services for the water, wastewater, agricultural, petroleum and industrial marketplaces. Avanti represents products from McCrometer, Itron, Badger Industrial, Hach Flow, Honeywell/Elster, 64 seconds, Infosense, Nicor, and others. Please visit our website at www.avanticompany.com, email us at info@avanticompany.com or call us at 863-453-5336 for assistance with all of your flow meter and metering system needs.

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