Utilities have always had to stay up to date on the latest technologies and strategies to improve their operational efficiency and provide better service to their customers. That is why the wastewater flow industry has long utilized the most advanced developments in physics, engineering, hydrology, and other sciences.
RedZone Robotics is at the cutting-edge of wastewater asset management solutions. The company leads the way in using robotics as a means to enhance condition assessment, data management, and other invaluable aspects of water and wastewater operations.
Consider the following case study, in which RedZone’s innovative solutions were integral to improving the performance of a sizeable water district.
Sanitary District 1 (SD1), located in northern Kentucky, is the second largest public sewer utility in Kentucky, serving more than 100,000 customers throughout Boone, Campbell and Kenton counties. Managing the collection and treatment of wastewater as well as regional storm water, SD1 sought to improve its collection system management and optimize its resources in the face of increased public and regulatory pressure.
The district turned to RedZone SOLO autonomous condition assessment robots and ICOM3 software. The RedZone Solo robots, the only unmanned condition assessment tool on the market, allowed the assessment of 67 percent of the SD1 system; they required the use of just own crewmember, rather than the conventional CCTV camera truck and multi-member crews).
By helping SD1 obtain information that was previous inaccessible, RedZone Robotics solutions contributed much to the positive results of the asset management program, such as estimated cost-savings of over $400,000 in the first year of implementation; an increase of in-house inspection production by 110 percent; the reduction in CCTV inspection costs by more than 25 percent; and much more.
This is just one of the many examples of RedZone’s state-of-the-art solutions bring palpable rewards to Utilities. The Avanti Company is proud to be working with RedZone Robotics to offer these vital solutions for our customers. To learn more, contact us at 800-284-5231 or info@avanticompany.com.