Water meter data can be a utility’s best friend or its worst enemy. Collecting water data is a challenging operation for certain utilities. Antiquated technology or inaccurate meters make it difficult to get reads at all, let alone evaluate them. Analytics software can assist utilities in overcoming these obstacles and maximize the value of their meter data.
When a utility makes a switch to a newer reading system, such as an advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), utilities can improve overall operations. For example, an AMI system can determine which system exceptions are the most critical and specify appropriate criteria to receive alerts and reminders when anomalies occur. These advanced systems can also define alert criteria to decide who will receive exception notifications, how they will be sent and how frequently they will be delivered. As well receive alerts based on defined exceptions so you can take action as soon as an alert appears.
The Avanti Company is a leader in automatic meter reading and advanced metering infrastructure systems. These systems may be scaled to fit any size utility and provide meter reading, leak detection, remote disconnect, web presentation to customers and management capabilities for more efficient utility operations. Avanti provides comprehensive system deployment as well as after-sales service.
The Avanti Company’s personnel has over 50 years of combined experience in sales and technical support for AMR and AMI installation projects. To learn more about the services and products we provide, including utility systems and flow meters, please visit us online or call us at 800.284.5231.