Flow Meters & Metering Systems

Ultrasonic Clamp-on Flow Meter Rises to the Challenge

Food processing facilities have rigorous cleaning requirements to ensure proper sanitation and odor control. Modern facilities make use of high-pressure cleaning systems capable of getting the job done while using fewer chemicals and reducing water usage, thereby saving money. Using the high-pressure pumps properly is key in boosting performance and extending the life cycle to reduce costs in the long term.

A poultry processing facility in the southeastern area of the country was using wash-down pumps. However, the pumps experienced damage shortly after installation due to improper operation. The pump was experiencing extended periods of incorrect flow while its motor operated at its highest speed. The damage led to thousands of dollars in repairs.

The poultry processor had tried many methods to protect their pumps from conditions of low flow. One approach was to mount pressure sensors and use those system readings as input for pump controls. This approach proved to be troublesome, requiring another solution.

An ultrasonic clamp-on flow meter was seen as an alternative to a conventional inline meter that would entail a system shutdown and high installation costs. The flow meter could be mounted while the pump was in operation. The Dynasonics TFX-5000 ultrasonic clamp-on flow meter was the solution, allowing the facility to avoid wash-down pumps from running with insufficient flow for an extended period.

To read more, visit https://www.badgermeter.com/articles/badger-meter-enhances-pump-operation-at-large-poultry-processing-facility/.

The Avanti Company was founded in 1977 by Paul and Justine Devlin and is headquartered in Avon Park, FL. We provide water meters, metering systems, AMI support, on-site flow meter testing, sewer flow monitoring, inspection and assessment services for the water, wastewater, agricultural, petroleum and industrial marketplaces. Avanti represents products from McCrometer, Itron, Badger Industrial, Hach Flow, Honeywell/Elster, 64 seconds, Infosense, Nicor, and others. Please visit our website at www.avanticompany.com, email us at info@avanticompany.com or call us at 863-453-5336 for assistance with all of your flow meter and metering system needs.

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