Flow Meters & Metering Systems

Use Syrinix PIPEMINDER to Determine Water Quality

South East Water and Anglian Water are a pair of British water utilities that sought to determine whether water quality could be used as a tool to provide information regarding bursts and leaks. Syrinix addressed this very concern with its PIPEMINDER product.

The latest evolution of PIPEMINDER allows it to be connected to water quality sensors, allowing utilities to receive vital data along with other important information such as pressure data.

On the RADAR cloud-based application, the Water Quality Import feature offers information that can be used for monitoring and correlating real network incidents to water quality levels, sometimes in time to avoid issues. A quick, easy-to-read overview is shown in RADAR, helping utilities detect connections between network operation and water quality. Users can access more accurate intelligence to link real network incidents to water quality conditions by synchronizing data streams together.

Time and operational costs are minimized with the use of a single contact system to control both pressure and water quality.

RADAR has options to deliver warnings and updates, provide users with more information to identify, schedule, and respond to incidents, and provides information that can help handle failures in water quality and concerns from consumers.

Since RADAR warnings may provide early notice of a significant pressure incident and the possible effects, utilities have more leeway in making improvements that can handle the network impact and potentially reduce the expense of financial fines.

To read more, visit https://www.syrinix.com/uk/radar/water-quality-import/.

The Avanti Company was founded in 1977 by Paul and Justine Devlin and is headquartered in Avon Park, FL. We provide water meters, metering systems, AMI support, on-site flow meter testing, sewer flow monitoring, inspection, and assessment services for the water, wastewater, agricultural, petroleum, and industrial marketplaces. Avanti represents products from McCrometer, Itron, Hach Flow, Honeywell/Elster, 64 seconds, Infosense, Nicor, Badger Meter, Syrinix, and others. Please visit our website at www.avanticompany.com, email us at info@avanticompany.com, or call us at 863-453-5336 for assistance with all of your flow meter and metering system needs.

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