Flow Meters & Metering Systems

Watch Al talk McCrometer Connect and Pecan Farming

Al Wheaton is a long time friend, partner and colleague of The Avanti Company as well as remote monitoring guru.  Al was recently interviewed by a local Georgia news station about McCrometer Connect’s remote monitoring solution for farmers.  McCrometer Connect helps farmers schedule irrigation, fertigation and crop management through providing temperature, rainfall, relative humidity and soil moisture information on an almost real time basis.  This system will also monitor the amount of water being pumped onto the crops and allow the Farmers to better conserve resources through closer best management practices.  Click below to see al explain the system and benefits.


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Upgrade Your Flow Meter Equipment for Precision and Safety

Flow meters play an instrumental role in the landscape of industrial applications. These pivotal pieces of equipment are designed to accurately measure the flow rates of liquids, providing essential data that can influence the efficiency and safety of your operations. Irrespective of whether you’re utilizing a magnetic, vortex, or turbine variant, maintaining and upgrading your … Continued