Flow Meters & Metering Systems

How Flow Meters Keep Your Collection System Running at Its Best

In industries where precision matters, where efficiency counts, the role of flow meters is not to be underestimated. These critical devices measure the movement and flow of fluids within pipelines, providing essential information for several core purposes, including monitoring system performance, detecting leaks, and optimizing water usage. Thus, flow meters are a treasured asset in … Continued

Why Flow Meters Are Crucial in Collection Systems

In an environment where precision and efficiency are paramount, flow meters play an indispensable role. They are critical in measuring the movement of fluids in pipelines. This essential information serves several purposes, such as monitoring system performance, detecting leaks, and optimizing water usage, making them a valuable asset in any collection system.   As not … Continued

Industrial Meters – Fit it and Forget it with McCrometer’s FPI Mag!

  The FPI Mag is a leading example of innovation in flow measurement technology, providing a full range of applications with a comprehensive solution. It’s a full-profile insertion-type electromagnetic flow meter that represents the highest standards of accuracy, convenience of use, and efficiency. With unmatched performance and cost reductions, the FPI Mag stands out as … Continued

Metering Systems – Quick Turn, Low Cost and Huge Benefit with Hach Flow DDS by McCrometer!

  Avanti is your #1 source for Metering Systems, where you can find McCrometer products. McCrometer recently released new information on their Hach Flow DDS product. Their article promotes Hach Flow’s Data Delivery Services (DDS) as an efficient and cost-effective solution for analyzing Inflow & Infiltration (I&I) in collection systems during wet-weather seasons. Without requiring a … Continued

Streamlining Flow Monitoring with Ultrasonic Clamp-On Meters

  At Avanti, we understand how critical accurate flow measurements are, which is why we are proud to offer some of the most advanced ultrasonic clamp-on flow meters on the market. An ultrasonic clamp-on flow meter utilizes non-intrusive measurement capabilities to monitor liquid flow without the need to cut into a pipe or disrupt the … Continued

The Importance of Flow Meters in Collection System Assessment

  Flow meters are essential tools for collection system assessment. They can be used to measure the flow of wastewater in a collection system, which can help to identify areas of system deficiency. This information can then be used to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the collection system, reducing the risk of overflows and … Continued

The Benefits of Flow Measurement for Smart Water Meters

Flow measurement is an essential part of any smart water meter system. Smart water meters are used to monitor water usage. Detailed flow measurement information is important for utilities because it allows for efficient and accurate monitoring of water usage, helping to ensure that water is used responsibly and sustainably.   Flow measurement refers to … Continued

From The Blog

Discover the Key Role of Flow Meters in Optimizing Collection Systems

In sectors where precision and efficiency are paramount, the necessity of flow meters cannot be understated. These vital devices monitor the movement and flow of fluids within pipelines. They offer valuable data for multiple core operations like monitoring system performance, leak detection, and water usage optimization. In any collection system, flow meters emerge as an … Continued