Flow Meters & Metering Systems

Watch Al talk McCrometer Connect and Pecan Farming

Al Wheaton is a long time friend, partner and colleague of The Avanti Company as well as remote monitoring guru.  Al was recently interviewed by a local Georgia news station about McCrometer Connect’s remote monitoring solution for farmers. 

Top Tech’s UAP focus’ on Bulk Plant Automation

The Avanti Company has had a 35 year relationship with Liquid Controls metering products and in recent years, Top Tech which is a sister IDEX Company.  Top Tech has traditionally been involved with Automating Fueling Terminals but in recent times moved to smaller bulk plant fueling facilities.

Poor Man’s Fixed Network

Many water utilities have implemented mobile AMR systems but use them simply to take monthly reads for billing purposes. However, by identifying a group of customers, even if it’s small, and recording and analyzing usage data several times a month, providers can glean valuable information that can lead to improved customer service and water conservation.

Avanti welcomes AquaHawk to its Product Portfolio

What is the Utility supposed to do with all of this information they are getting from advanced metering systems?  That is easy, share it with their customers.  Avanti is pleased to announce the addition of the AquaHawk Alerting Web Presentment Service to its portfolio of meters and metering systems products. 

Avanti adds MAC Tester to product offering

The Avanti Company is please to announce the addition of Do-Mac Manufacturings, MAC Tester to our strong line of Flow Meter and Metering System products.  Avanti continues the tradition of offering Made in USA products with this onsite volumetric residential meter tester. 

Flowmeters that Fit

McCrometer’s full profile insertion mag (FPI) may be the perfect answer for your difficult, clean or reclaim water applications.  Please click on the below link to read how one Utility resolved their “tight space for a meter” challenge. http://www.wwdmag.com/flow-metering/flowmeters-fit

Hach Flow’s “Focus on Flow” Newsletter

Please visit Hach Flow’s “Focus on Flow”  Newsletter for the best technical information and case studies available on open channel flow monitoring.  The newsletter provides all things, Sewer Flow Monitoring, including articles on equipment selection and the best way to implement an I&I program.  Click here to get to “Focus on Flow”. 

From The Blog

Why Flow Meters Are Crucial in Collection Systems

In an environment where precision and efficiency are paramount, flow meters play an indispensable role. They are critical in measuring the movement of fluids in pipelines. This essential information serves several purposes, such as monitoring system performance, detecting leaks, and optimizing water usage, making them a valuable asset in any collection system.   As not … Continued